Take Action to Regulate Banks' Funding of Fossil Fuels
For years, Canada’s big banks have been using our money to fuel the climate crisis. Not only have they refused to divest from fossil fuels, but Canadian banks are actually increasing their funding of fossil fuels — and are now among the worst 15 fossil fuel funders in the whole world. [1] RBC, ScotiaBank, TD, BMO, and CIBC provided over ONE TRILLION CDN to fossil fuels since the global climate change treaty known as the Paris Agreement was signed. [2] It’s time for the government to step in to defund fossil fuels.
You can read more about the existing initiatives to regulate banks here – highlighting the movement to hold financial institutions accountable by bringing them into compliance with the United Nations' Paris Agreement on climate change. The NDP, Bloc Québecois, and Green Party have already stated their support for such regulation! It’s time to give the federal government a push.
Join us in asking our elected leaders to support the regulation of Canada’s financial institutions and make them aligned with the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change.
Our goal is to encourage these politicans, not to tear them down, so please follow these guidelines.
Be encouraging
Keep it factual
Be aggressive
Attack MPs' personal lives

Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau, how are we supposed to make significant progress on climate goals when Canada’s big banks are pouring billions into fossil fuels? The federal government needs to step in to align the financial system w/ the ParisAgreement. #TakeCashOutOfCarbon

Chrystia Freeland
Minister of Finance
Chrystia Freeland, how are we supposed to make significant progress on climate goals when Canada’s big banks are pouring billions into fossil fuels? As Minister of Finance, you have the power to align the financial system w/ the Paris Agreement. #TakeCashOutOfCarbon
Join the growing number of people taking action and send your MP an email to encourage the federal government to align Canada’s financial system with the Paris Agreement.